by Adrienne Goff, Healing Crystal Expert
If you want to feel as though you have entered a breathtaking, higher dimensional realm, visit the Hawaiian Islands. Lush rainforests thrive on magnificent cliffs that jut out of the inviting, turquoise waters of the Pacific. Being in such pristine beauty and nature will instantly awaken your heart, so that you might sense the echoes of a spiritual haven that existed in this location eons ago. Legend has it that the cliffs of the Hawaiian Islands are actually the remnants of a lost ancient continent and civilization called Lemuria.
The Legend of Lemuria
Stories of Lemuria describe a peaceful and spiritual utopian society that existed in the distant past, tens of thousands of years ago, predating Atlantis. The Lemurians are said to have come from the stars, with their light-bodies fully activated, their consciousness completely awakened and connected to their spiritual source. As such, they lived in accordance with the Law of Divine Oneness. The sentience, spirit, and interconnectedness of all things in creation was perceived, recognized, and honored, and this was a driving principle in their culture and spiritual practices. The Lemurians were known to operate from Divine Feminine values, emphasizing emotional connectedness, while also possessing advanced technology and metaphysical understanding.
As the story goes, a cataclysm occurred that caused the continent to sink. Some of the Lemurians returned to their home in the stars, while others went underground and built advanced cities in locations such as Mt. Shasta. Thankfully, all was not lost to us when Lemuria was swallowed by the sea. The Lemurians left behind a treasure that can connect us back to the knowledge, love, and spiritual energy that defined them--Lemurian Seed Quartz.
Lemurian Seed Quartz: Characteristics, Origin, & Purpose
Lemurian Seeds are a high vibration form of Quartz with a unique appearance. They exhibit a laser wand formation, long and slender, gradually tapering in size from base to point. Lemurian Seeds often have an alternating pattern of frosted and clear sides all around the crystal. Perhaps the most striking features is that they have pronounced horizontal lines or striations across the body of the crystal.
The original Lemurian Seeds were found in the Diamantina region of Brazil, on a hilltop that was being strip-mined for Quartz. Quartz is normally found in clusters or growing on a matrix. Mysteriously, these were found deposited vertically in the sandy soil, points directed downward, as if they had been deliberately placed there.
Renowned author and crystal expert, Katrina Raphaell, was the first to describe the properties of Lemurian Seed Quartz and to bring through channeled information about the purpose of this remarkable crystal. According to her, Lemurian Seeds were planted during the end of the Lemurian era by beings who were responsible for seeding this planet. The horizontal striations represent an access code for the energy deliberately stored within.
They are programmed to transmit the Lemurian frequencies of oneness, unity, and equality of all beings and to seed this vibration into Earth crystals throughout time. Because of this special purpose, they were intentionally placed in areas of the Earth where prolific crystal growth was expected to continue throughout the ages, such as Brazil. All of the Lemurian Seeds are energetically networked and form a grid that infuses higher frequencies of love and unity into other crystals and into the world.
Katrina Raphaell also credits the surfacing of this crystal for our use to Lemurians who are still living in Inner Earth. By working with Lemurian Seeds, we can create a holographic connection of unity between the Inner Earth realm, the Earth’s surface, and the stellar regions from whence they came. Working with one Lemurian Seed can tap you into the entire network. You can work with it to align with the higher frequencies the network is making available, for the purpose of evolving your consciousness. You can also work with Lemurian Seeds to send love and light into the planetary grid system for the benefit of all.
Metaphysical Properties & Uses
Lemurian Seed Quartz is a versatile, multidimensional light tool that will provide many benefits to those who are on a spiritual path. Read on to discover how it can help you and how to interface with this crystal to make positive shifts.
Lemurian Seed Quartz carries energy, information, love, healing, and codes from the Lemurian era. Unlock what’s stored via this meditation technique: Take deep centering breaths and drop your consciousness into your heart. Hold this intention in your mind: “I now receive an infusion of light, love, and information from this crystal that is perfectly calibrated to me in this moment.” Close your eyes and slowly stroke the striations of the Lemurian Seed Quartz as if it were a bar code, which initiates a transfer of energy. Hold the tip of the crystal to your third eye chakra, breathe, and receive.
Lemurian Seed Quartz helps you connect and communicate with your higher self, angels, star beings, masters, and other-dimensional guides. Place a Lemurian Quartz above your head at the crown chakra, with the point facing up. This creates a bridge to the higher planes and opens a pathway of connection. Relax, breathe, and place your hands over your heart. Visualize yourself in a bubble of white, protective light, and think about which being or beings you want to contact. Keep your mind and heart open, and take note of any images, messages, or impressions that come into your consciousness.
Meditation with Lemurian Seed Quartz can reveal and activate past life knowledge and gifts. Here’s how to take a journey to the Akashic Records with Lemurian Quartz. Lie down, breathe deeply, and drop your consciousness into your heart. Place a Lemurian Quartz behind your left ear, with the point touching the bony ridge. This area contains a minor chakra that can be used to access past life information. Visualize yourself in a bubble of white light and hold the intention that you are traveling inside of it to the Akashic Records, a grand etheric realm and building that contains the records of all other incarnations. You will be greeted by a guide, who will take you inside and bring to you books or scrolls that are your records. Hold the intention that you are ready to receive information, knowledge, or an activation of gifts cultivated in another lifetime that would benefit you now. Be open, and allow it to come in.
Lemurian Seed Quartz can clear, balance, and upgrade all of the major chakras, while grounding vibrational shifts into your physical body. Lie down comfortably and move into a relaxed state. Start at the crown chakra and place a small Lemurian Quartz there, with the point facing down, for at least five minutes. Breathe deeply and be open to sensing energy shifts or information downloading into the chakra. Repeat this process at the third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, and root.
Lemurian Seed Quartz is especially resonant with the higher heart and heart chakras. Place the crystal over the center of the chest for at least eleven minutes to treat the heart chakra. It opens the heart, while healing and balancing the emotional body. Placed here, it can also heal the original wound of separation from Source, which many are carrying from the time they first incarnated into a body. Treating the higher heart chakra can move you into a state of bliss and communion with Source, creating a Oneness experience that was the natural state of Lemurian consciousness. The higher heart is located a few inches above the center of the chest. Meditate with the Lemurian Seed Quartz there for at least eleven minutes and allow your consciousness and energy to elevate beyond 3D.
Lemurian Seeds can be arranged into crystal grids for the purpose of opening portals and connecting with the larger planetary grid system. This process involves following your guidance and building a crystal grid based on your intentions. You could build a grid that opens a portal to a star system, the Divine realm, Inner Earth, or another dimension. Perhaps you want to build a grid in your home environment that connects with the larger Lemurian Seed network and planetary grid system. You might be called to travel to a ley line, vortex, or power spot in nature to build a crystal grid designed to enhance and connect with the energy of that place. Grab several Lemurian Seed Quartz crystals, and any other crystals you feel guided to incorporate, and use your intuition to place them into a pattern. Activate it with your intention, and interface with it in whatever way you are guided.
Lemurian Seed Quartz can be worked with as a wand to direct energy for various purposes. It has been used as a psychic surgery tool to remove negative energy, attachments, entities, karmic patterns, or blockages in the aura and energy system. Lemurian Seeds have also been used to draw a circle of protection around a person or place, and to infuse positive energy where needed. Energy flows in the direction of the point. Keep in mind that Lemurian Seeds are powerful and should be wielded with intention and care.
So many feel a deep soul resonance with the idyllic tales of Lemuria. Although paradise might have been lost, with these crystals you can find that frequency again.
Thank you for the information. I’ve been wondering how to use my crystals and you have provided that knowledge. Thanks!!!
Karen on
Amazing information. I’m ready to receive the Lemurian codes from my Lemurian Seed Quartz in the way you share here.
I’m one of those souls that can cry just by seeing an image that represents Lemuria. That is how I came to explore information about it few years ago. Lemuria resonates deeply with my soul and I have information that I come from there and other places.
I now realise why in my 7 year journey traveling the pacific I felt so at home in Hawaii.. I actually said my heart is Hawaiian when I was there… half Hawaiian, half Colombian.
Much gratitude for this info…
Monica Nunez M. on
I just got my first Lemurian crystal a couple days ago and immediately felt so much power in it and coming from it. I look forward to trying these methods of tapping into it. Thank you!
Sheila on
Thank you for this article on Lemurian Seed Quartz. They are fascinating. Mine always has a straight rainbow 🌈 in the one side no matter what the lighting is in my room. It’s so beautiful and magical.
CheriE on
Awesome reading material about Lemurian Crystal history & the amazing people who planted the crystals in Mother Earth. Thank you!
Gia on