Natural 7 Chakra Gemstone Mala Bead Necklace w/ Om Metal Pendant

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Featuring natural Gemstone Mala Beads representing the 7 Chakras with 7 gemstones Beads. This straight 108 gemstone Mala necklace with Guru bead and Metal Om Pendant as it's tassel, handmade and hand-knotted between in Tibet. Perfect for Jewelry wear, prayer, mantra chants and meditation. 

Clear Quartz: clear, cleanse, heal, and remember. This is a crystal to heighten spiritual awareness and bring in light. It provides a vibrational channel straight from the angelic realm. It can be used for attracting and sending love, healing, expanding consciousness, communication with guides, generating prosperity, chakra balancing, past-life recall, and grid-work. Clear Quartz can be programmed to assist with any sort of healing.

Red Aventurine helps with discernment, determination, strength, sexuality, and creativity through balancing the root, sacral, and third eye chakras.  Increasing the life force helping people motivate and get things done with confidence.  Powerful for meditation writers and artists may have new bursts of inspiration and faith in their work.   

Carnelian: can stimulate your analytical talents and bridge between the physical and spiritual self. This energy is housed in our groin area and is responsible for conjuring life itself. We refer to this as our “sexual energy”, but its power goes far beyond the act itself. Sometimes withholding our sexual energy and transmuting it for our own good is more beneficial than releasing it for your own personal gratification. 

Calcite: is an energy-boosting stone, encouraging creativity, keeping depression away, & cleansing one's chakras! This stone is also known to help with spiritual awakening, bringing one enlightenment and allowing one to connect with the divine. cleansing the auric field, this is a great stone to use during meditation.

Green Aventurine: is a stone of prosperity and abundance that balances the Heart Chakra (4th Chakra). It is a crystal to heighten self-confidence and promote peace during challenging times. A stone of optimism, offering one to look at the bright side of challenging situations. Stimulates mental clarity, creativity & compassion.

Blue Quartz: is a calming Throat Chakra stone that enhances creativity, communication, and self-expression. It also helps in accessing communication in the spiritual and angelic realms. It is a powerful stone to protect from negativity and its balancing properties help dispel fear. This stone offers hope, happiness, and peace as it lifts the soul up from depression.

Lapis Lazuli: wisdom, intuition, and truth. Lapis Lazuli meaning is known as a powerful crystal for anyone seeking to deepen their connection to self. The Lapis Lazuli properties are known for opening the third eye chakra, the center of intuition and inner wisdom. By enhancing your ability to turn inward and uncover your truth, the energy of the Lapis Lazuli crystal  meaning can support anyone ready to step into their power and authentic self. 

Amethyst: is said to reach angelic realm forged from deep within the Earth to bring protection, purify, and release. Amethyst is also said to gently assist with overcoming negative and addictive emotional patterns and helping one to give up bad habits.  Working through the Chakras: Third Eye, Crown and Etheric (8-14th) allowing to activate and increases intuition, calming the mind, protecting ones auric field and  facilitating a connection directly to the Angelic realm.

  • Will receive 1 Mala Necklace
  • 8mm with Natural Gems: Amethyst, Carnelian, Lapis, Aventurine, Blue Quartz, Yellow Calcite, Red Aventurine, Quartz.
  • Necklace Length: 22"
  • Bead Size: 8mm
  • Om Metal Pendant:~ 1.25 Inch
  • Made in Tibet
  • Each one will be slightly different in bead size, length and appearance.
  1. Root chakra (1st chakra)– For grounding, stability, balance, strong foundation.
  2. Sacral chakra (2nd chakra)– For creativity, self love, empathy, balance.
  3. Solar plexus chakra (3rd chakra)– For power, will, self esteem, positive gut energy.
  4. Heart chakra (4th chakra)– For love, compassion, kindness, trust, hope
  5. Throat chakra (5th chakra)– For communication, speaking the truth, self expression, sound vibration.
  6. 3rd eye chakra (6th chakra)– For vision, connection to higher self, clarity, and creativity, wisdom.
  7. Crown chakra (7th chakra)– For universal consciousness, cosmic connection, infinite energy, enlightenment.
Type: Jewelry
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